I would like to formally welcome you to our web site. I am very proud of the services and protection that we provide to the citizens, workers, and visitors to our area. Our members are dedicated to providing the best fire protection and emergency medical services to those we serve. Over the years we have increased our equipment, manpower, and quality of service. Most importantly we have been able to decrease the rising cost of fire insurance to those we serve. Our department provides a Class 3 fire insurance rating to the village of Napoleonville and a Class 4 to our Fire Protection Territory, which is the area surrounding Napoleonville. This was a long, detailed process that has been well worth the efforts.
We hope you like our web site and please visit again as information will be changing often. We welcome any questions and comments so we can better serve you. On behalf of the entire Napoleonville Volunteer Fire Department, I would like to thank you for allowing us to serve you.
Don Blanchard, Jr.
Fire Chief
Napoleonville V.F.D.